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Ten Years (and 1 day) | Blogging

I realised today that yesterday was this little old blog's 10th birthday . Can you believe it? That's practically ancient in the blogging world. So I thought I better mark the occasion by actually blogging. Especially since it's been probably 6 months or more since I last published something to this space.

Latest posts

Capturing Life in 2018 {November & December} | 52 week project

The Last IBOT

It's Time | IBOT

Capturing Life in 2018 {October} | Photography

My Little Pony 35th Birthday Celebration | Life

Ibot {November 6th 2018} | IBOT

10 of my Fave Aussie Blogger Instagram Accounts | Social Media

Take me to the river | Life

Capturing Life in 2018 {September} | 52 week project

Capturing Life in 2018 {August} | 52 Week Project