And the Winner Is...

I'm a day late with getting this drawn. I've had a bit going on the last few days (more on that later) so I didn't have a chance to draw this yesterday.

But thanks to the wonderful-ness that is, we have a winner!

And the Winner is...

...Bec! From The Lady Beetle Patch.

The Lady Beetle Patch is a new blog I've been following, one I found through Blog This, a community for Australian bloggers. You should check them both out if you haven't already.

So congratulations Bec, I'll be sending you an email shortly so I can grab your postal address and get these off to you ASAP.

And thanks to everyone else who entered, I wish you all could have won!


Bec said…
Sorry I'm a little late to post here, I've had one heck of a week, although looking at your other posts I think yours has been terrible :(
The books arrived early in the week, thank you so much, and the cards are fantastic too!
xx Bec

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