Blogoversary Guessing Comp!

I mentioned the other night that I was going to have lots of fun stuff to celebrate my blogoversary, and so I'm here to tell you, the fun starts now!
That's right, the first of my giveaways opens NOW and will close on April 28th at 11:59pm AEST. You have a month to enter. The winners will be announced on my blog on May 28th so be sure to write that date in your diary and check back here as I'm sure you'll all be holding your breath in anticipation of that announcement. Lol!
All you have to do is guess the total number of posts* I will have posted by May 28th and leave your guess as a comment. That's it! It's pretty easy.
What will you win? Well, I have three $30 gift vouchers to give away. (If you win and you are overseas you can tell me what you'd like from their website and I will do the order for you and then post OS to you once I recieve it)
To give you all a bit of help with your guesses, I can tell you the following -
Since May 28th 2009 I have posted a total of 434 times (not including this post!)
My average monthly number of posts is 39
Keep in mind my daily Pic A Day posts and weekly Motivation Monday, Friday Funny and Quotable Notables posts
The three closest guesses win the vouchers. Happy guessing!
*Total number of posts - the total of all posts as of May 28th, for instance, my guess would be 522 (sorry if that wasn't clear, wasn't sure how to word right
*Total number of posts - the total of all posts as of May 28th, for instance, my guess would be 522 (sorry if that wasn't clear, wasn't sure how to word right
My guess -
that is the total since the beginning right?
my guess is
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