Pregnancy, Yoga & Acupuncture
A few weeks ago I had my first session of acupuncture at Point Specifics in Kellyville.
I've never had acupuncture before but my friend K highly recommended it so I thought it would give it a go. What did I have to lose?

I'm happy to say that my first session went really well. Jacinda specialises in pregnancy and fertility acupuncture and she is also a Doula.
At my first session we focused on my back pain (mostly felt while working at my desk at work) and my insomnia, and three weeks later I can report excellent results. I've been sleeping much better and the pain I was getting while sitting at my desk at work has completely disappeared.
Jacinda also does acupuncture to help get your body ready for labour and labour encouragement which I am definitely interested in. There is a chance that I may have to be induced early because of the gestational diabetes and I really, really, REALLY don't want to be induced if I can avoid it, so anything Jacinda can do to help me go into labour naturally a little earlier will be much appreciated!
At my next session I have to remember to see if there is anything she can do for my sinus. My sinus has gotten so bad in the last few months, to the point where now I have a blocked or runny noise all day and it's really starting to impact on how I feel. I haven't had to worry so much about feeling breathless from the pressure of my uterus on my lungs, that hasn't been a problem, my problem is not being able to breathe much at all through my nose and I'm over it. Fingers crossed she can help!
I've also started doing Yoga on a Sunday morning, run by Tara, who I mentioned in this post. I've been going with my friend K who actually put me on to her and we have been going together (K is about 21 weeks pregnant) and I've really enjoyed it. There are a number of other classes and things that are run through the Pregnancy & ParentingWellbeing Centre, one is a post-natal fitness class which I am definitely going to look in to doing after bub comes along (not long now!)
I haven't done much Yoga before so I expected it to be a little hard, and some parts were, but I was surprised by how much of it I could actually do with this protruding tummy and masses of extra weight! I'm really glad I decided to go and I'm hoping I can actually manage to use the full 5 class pass that I bought!
Not that I'll be complaining if I can't, because I will have a baby!
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