Linky Lovin' Friday {12th September 2014} // Blogging

It's a short and sweet Linky Lovin' Friday today as I am off to the city with Dave in a few hours for a long-overdue night off from the kids. It's a belated anniversary night away, and we'll be staying in a fancy pants hotel, eating and drinking to our hearts content, with not a dirty nappy in sight!

I've been plucked and waxed in preparation, and I've already chosen what I'm going to eat from the restaurant that we'll be having dinner at. I'm more excited than a kid on Christmas morning, so excuse me if you don't see me around the social media traps much tonight!

But I couldn't have a night off from the kids without leaving you with a few choice reading links for your own weekend...

Image nicked from Hugzilla's post

Personal Trainer Pushes Watermelon Out Of Butt: Empathy Ensues by Hugzilla
Unless you’ve gestated and given birth to a mini-watermelon, lay off the mansplainin’.
I am a big fan of Melissa and her Higzilla blog, and once again she has struck gold with her fantastic wit and way with words. While my post on the same personal trainer who implied that mothers were fat and lazy and just plain didn't care about looking after themselves was written off the cuff in a chocolate-fueled fury, Melissa's is considered, funny and has way less F-bombs. It's fantastic people and you should do yourself a favour and give it a read.

I'm fat not stupid by Tegan from Musings of the Misguided
Changing our lifestyle choices come down to our motivation and how much we want to change.  If we don’t want to change, our subconscious will always be there ready to trip us up.  I’m not making excuses, I KNOW what I have to do.  I’m fat, not stupid.
I read this post from Tegan on the same day that I wrote the aforementioned rant about the personal trainer. This post of Tegans was written over a year ago and it really hit a nerve for me. I totally get where Tegan is coming from. As I said in my rant, losing weight is about more than science and maths, essentially it's a mind thing for the vast majority of people. Tegan gives great insight in every post she writes and I encourage you to visit this post from her.
Image nicked from BabblingBandit's post

I want an iPhone 6 Plus by Babbling Bandit
From the humble beginnings of the Sony Walkman to data overload in one tiny device, boy have we come a long way!
And I love it!
I loved this post from Vanessa. She takes us on a trip down memory lane, reliving her obsession with technology and the devices that fuelled it. If you remember your first computer, first walkman or first mobile phone with nostalgic fondness, then you'll love this post too.
Interview with a toddler by You Learn Something New Every Day
I sat down with my husband, the questions and a recording device.
I shut off the recording device ten seconds later. My husband wasn't having a bar of it.
I felt left out. Shunned. And so, so sad.
And now, two months later, BRAINWAVE. Why not interview my four-year-old daughter instead?
Those of you familiar with my Interview with a Husband post will remember that I invited other bloggers to play along and interview their husbands and partners. There were heaps of great husband interviews that came of it, but some blogger's husbands were somewhat reluctant to play along (spoil sports!). Emily's was one such husband, and so instead she has interviewed her four-year-old and it's a great interview.

Everntually I would love to interview Punky for the blog, but at the moment all I usually get when I try to ask her pointed questions is a cheeky grin, followed by a bunch of goobeldy-gook. I'm giving her a few more months and then I will try this interview with her next year and hopefully the results will be as cute and funny as Emily's.

Have you read or written anything awesome this week? Hit me up with your links in the comments so I can read them when I emerge from my child-free haze of euphoria on Sunday!


Kylie Purtell said…
Great collection of posts Kylz, if I do say so myself! I have a great place to start my weekend reading. Have an awesome time away. Get dirty, baby!
Kylie Purtell said…
Have a fab night away! Eat, drink and be merry!! xx
Kylie Purtell said…
Enjoy Hun! Have a blast! Xxx
Kylie Purtell said…
Enjoy Kylie, major envy going on here!!!
Kylie Purtell said…
Hugzilla's post OMG- I died!
Kylie Purtell said…
Enjoy it Kylie, I'm a tad jealous :-)
Kylie Purtell said…
Thank you so much for sharing my post!

Enjoy your child free time and don't eat too much food or the other activity known to occur on anniversary nights will be too much work ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
Great posts there - thanks for sharing. And enjoy your night out - woohoo!
Kylie Purtell said…
Yey you, have sososososososo much fun xoxoxo
Kylie Purtell said…
Great list Kylez! Off to check them out :)
Kylie Purtell said…
It was the best. Much fun had ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
No worries Kirsty, I hope you enjoy them x
Kylie Purtell said…
No worries Tegan. It really spoke to me because it's how I feel pretty much every day at the moment x

And don't worry, we made sure we weren't too full for other things ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks Denise, it was definitely much needed xx
Kylie Purtell said…
I know, wasn't it kick-arse!
Kylie Purtell said…
I don't blame you, i'd be envious if it wasn't me too xx
Kylie Purtell said…
There was definitely much eating, drinking and merry-making ;)
Kylie Purtell said…
So dirty V, so dirty (is that TMI?!) ;)

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