An Insiiders Guide to Perth

I sit here typing this late Monday night from The Duxton Hotel in Perth. Technically it's only 10pm but my body clock, which is still on Sydney time, is telling me it's 1am. In case you missed it, I was lucky enough to be chosen by the lovely, amazing people at iiNet to be one of their Insiiders and spend a week in Perth touring the iiNet offices and doing all sorts of fun stuff.
There are 5 of us here as Insiiders and I couldn't think of a lovelier bunch of people to be spending a week with. After getting up at sparrow's fart to catch a train to the airport I've spent the afternoon getting to know my fellow Insiiders and the social media and PR peeps here at iiNet. Did I mention how lovely everyone is?

We've been treated to one of the best goodie bags I've ever gotten (think a brand-new Samsung Galaxy camera and iiNet MobiiHotspot device), not to mention a scrumptious dinner across the road at Public House. Any nerves I might have been feeling before I touched down in Perth have been well and truly washed away with a couple of glasses of Moscato, not to mention a nice Chardonnay or three!
Perth is beautiful. It's so quiet and, the only word I can think of to describe it is cool. Perth is just cool. Seriously, it's like Sydney's hipper, more laid-back, trendy little sister. I'm in love and I've only seen but one tiny fraction of it.

Tomorrow we head out to Subiaco and iiNet headquarters, and I can't wait to see where the magic happens. I'm not lying when I say that after only a few hours of hanging out with some of the iiNet peeps I wanna move the family over here and camp out on their doorstep until they give me a job!
Until then I'll continue to blog away from my own beautiful corner of the country and you can bet your bottom dollar I'm gonna have so many photos to share with you when I get back.

I'm missing Dave and the girls, but I know this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and I am going to squeeze as much out of it as I can and push the homesickness down deep. This week will be over before I know it and I'll be back to my suburban stay-at-home-Mum life, but until I board that plane for Sydney I'm just gonna be Kylie... Slightly nerdy girl enjoying the trip of a lifetime!
Have you ever won a prize like this? Is there anything you'd love me to ask the team here at iiNet or find out for you, anything social media or internet related at all??
Disclaimer: I won a competition run by iiNet to travel to Perth and be a part f their O Week celebrations. All opinions are my own and I have not been paid to write this post.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Anyway have so much fun. Enjoy and learn so you can share all the cool stuff with us.
Ps I love Perth too
I agree with you Bella is definitely one dimensional and a disappointing reflection of females, however what female hasn't been caught up in a guy and it's all you can think about? I certainly have and maybe that resonated with me.
The hype is a pain, I believe it only sets readers up for disappointment. The only books I have ever read that surpassed my expectations were the Harry Potter series and I have read them 8 times over.
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