Welcome to the New Year! Linky Lovin' Friday {16th January 2015} // Reading

Welcome to the first Linky Lovin' Friday for 2015! The first two weeks of this year have been pretty damn good, I must say. I gave myself a little break over Christmas and spent a lot of time catching up on my favourite TV shows, playing with the girls, hanging out with Dave, taking a shitload of photos, and reading. It was glorious! Not to mention the fabulous news that two of my friends gave birth to their bubbas in the last week! And while any baby is a joy, the road that these two women have traveled on the way to meeting their babies makes it extra special.

I don't have a lot of links to share with you today but the ones I have are gold! I haven't been in the blogosphere a great deal while on my holidays, and a lot of the time I did spend on the computer was spent devouring anything to do with photography. To say I'm obsessed would be a massive understatement!

I've been furiously bookmarking some great photography articles and I plan to do a special photography-related Linky Lovin' Friday very soon, with some of the best stuff that I've read. But I just had to include this article today, 10 Photography resolutions for the new year by Jenna Martin, because, well, it's new year resolutions for photography so I thought it appropriate!

On Tuesday I wrote about how I've been struggling lately, and how I plan to tackle the issue. I linked to this article, How to break a bad habit and replace it with a good one by James Clear and I highly recommend you pop over and have a read of it for yourself. Hopefully you'll get as much out of it as I did.

Also on Tuesday I read a post via Essentially Jess' IBOT link-up from Sand Has No Home called The Poisonwood Bible Effect (the book that inspired me to sponsor a little girl). I love that it demonstrates the power that a book can have on us, how an authors words can touch so many people in so many different ways, and how much positivity and good can come from it.
This post about What drowning really looks like at Essential Kids, shared with me by my friend Sarah is a really excellent reminder during the summer season about how important it is to be vigilant near the water. Drowning does not look the same in real life as it does in the movies and it's important to recognise the signs in both kids and adults alike.

I've read a loooot of reflective/new year blog posts over the last month and there have been so many good ones. I love reading about the highlights of people's years (with included post links!) and hearing about their words and plans for the new one. I particularly enjoyed Sonia Styling's Looking Back to Move Forward post (thank you to Sandra from Photobook Moments for putting me on to it), and can totally relate to a few of the things she says especially "Cut the excuses, procrastination, comparison and negative self-talk" in regards to what she wished she'd done differently in 2014.

And finally, reading Growing Up with a Disordered Mum, a guest post on Handbag Mafia was a real reminder about how important it is to be careful of the things we say and do around our children. They are little sponges, and for better or worse absorb just about everything around them. Something I know I don't always keep in mind when I trip over one of their toys and start swearing like a sailor!

So there you have my pick of the links this Friday. I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year break and hope the post-break blues aren't hitting you too hard! Hit me up with you favourite links of the week in the comments, I'd love to check em' out!
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Kylie Purtell said…
Pity im on a diet now :(

Kylie Purtell said…
I've been a little out of the blogosphere myself this week so no links to add for you but I will be checking out some of the ones you have featured so i can catch up! Enjoy your growing photography obsession :)
Kylie Purtell said…
I will let my guest poster know she made your post :) Glad her words resonated with so many.
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks for sharing these links - off to check out a few.

Kylie Purtell said…
I hope you enjoy them :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Please do, it was a really thought-provoking read.
Kylie Purtell said…
If you only have time for one I highly recommend the last one :)
Kylie Purtell said…
Hahaha, I know what you mean! My mouth is watering right now after looking at that!
Kylie Purtell said…
If he wants to eat every night he won't retire! Lol! I've made a goal to post one Lazy Girl's Guide to Cooking post every month so hopefully if I can stick to it I'll be joining in more often! Thanks for hosting!
Kylie Purtell said…
It really is. The girls have never noticed!
Kylie Purtell said…
The girls love it when I add a bit of cocoa too. I still have lemon & sugar with them even when they have cocoa, lemon chocolate actually go together quite well (for my tastebuds anyway!)
Kylie Purtell said…
Ohhh, you'll have to share! Pancakes are one of those things that are so easy that I don't mind making them at all!
Kylie Purtell said…
I look forward to the day when my girls are big enough to cook these for me!
Kylie Purtell said…
Thank you! I've tried a few different simple pancake recipes, but these turn out the best (and I highly recommend the vanilla extract and a bit of sugar, makes all the difference!).
Kylie Purtell said…
Such a coincidence….a friend and I were literally just having a discussion about being mindful of our conversations around little ones, in particular about how we should just go to the beach and not mention our concerns about how we look in and out of the water! I'm keen to check out that link you mentioned. Have a nice weekend, Tonia (from FYBF)
Kylie Purtell said…
I'll have to read some of these, I've been a blotchy reader this week! x
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks for the weekend reading list! This week I thought Smaggle hit it out of the park with her piece about not being a doormat. Also liked hers last week about loves versus passions. I'll have to start the Smaggle fan club. Well, join. I'm sure there's already a fan club.
Kylie Purtell said…
Goodness me! How did I miss a post on Handbag Mafia? Off to stalk.
Kylie Purtell said…
I cried as I read growing up with a disordered mum as so much of what you have written is what I went through. I dieted from 8yrs old cause mum did. I suffered bulimia in my teenage years but It wasn't till I had my first child that I finally took control of my mind. i still struggle but I have control now because of my children
Kylie Purtell said…
Thanks for the links...need to catch up on a lot of blogs after being away till this week.
Kylie Purtell said…
This is always such a handy round up so I know if I have missed anything essential. Ta x
Kylie Purtell said…
That guest post on Handbag Mafia's blog sounds very interesting. It's amazing what our kids pick up and even more so we don't realise it until they say it! Off to read it!
I loved Sand Has No Home's blog post about The Poisonwood Bible too. I'm busting to read it now.

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