Linky Lovin' Friday {6th March 2015} | Reading

So tired. Like, my eyes hurt tired.  It's been a long week with late nights and early mornings. I really try to go to bed at a decent hour but it just never happens. It's like I have some kind of disease that makes me feel like there is something seriously wrong if I even consider going to bed before 1am. 

The thing is, between 4pm and 8pm I feel bone tired. Then 9, 10pm rocks around and I'm all bright-eyes and busy-tailed. It's just not right.

I've always been a night owl. Always. Never a night person. I've tried to reverse this but it's just not in my DNA. Every one in my family is a night owl. I know I can message one of my sisters at midnight and 9 times out of 10 get reply from them. It must be genetic!

Dave worked night shift last night. On his day off. Which means he is going to be sleeping all day today. And then working all weekend. I can't wait until next Thursday when I don't have to get up for Tafe and Dave starts his time off for a week. I am so gonna sleep in to 12 one day, I am telling you now!

In other news, we started learning about using flash in our photography and I finally went and bought myself a flash unit. I got a voucher for Christmas and I've been holding off on spending it until we had a chance to use the different flash units at Tafe and I could decide which one to get. It's so much fun learning new things and experimenting.

Expect to see some nicely lit photos in the coming weeks! Lol!

But anyway, enough of me moaning and boasting and on to my links...

Non-toxic Glowing Water Beads by Danya Banya
So cool. Seriously, I am putting Tonic Water on our next shopping list!

5 Top Tips to Posing for Photos at Move Fuel Love
I hate looking at photos of myself, and with all of the portrait work at Tafe it's been unavoidable being in pictures for other students. I am so going to put these tips in to practice for our next studio session!

Aussie Women told to get a job by Have a Laugh on Me
Emily nails it in this piece. As if we don't already work hard enough as it is!

And now, I introduce you to my special guest Linky Lover for this week...

Amy is the brains behind the awesome blog Handbag Mafia. I'm sure she doesn't need much introduction to you lovely, well-read people. Amy tells it like it is and isn't afraid to discuss the tough topics on her blog. I admire her way with words and the way she doesn't shy away from her opinions.

If you're looking for interesting, thought-provoking writing then Amy's blog is one you'll want to check out. Below are her three favourite links for the week, and why she loved them...

Why I am a Feminist by Sanch Living Life
Amy says "Sanch talks about why she is a feminist with particular reference to growing up in India and the recent  victim-blaming comments made by the lawyers and defendants in the case of the rape and murder of Jyoti Singh."

Scrawling Precious by Sand Has No Home
Amy says "Dani is musing on writing letters and bloggingand how it helps her and she writes so beautifully that I'd probably read her shopping list quite happily."

What is domestic violence and why should I care by Seeing the Lighter Side of Parenting
Amy says "Bec attended a forum on domestic violence and has eloquently written about why we need to be talking about this. This is an issue very close to my heart and I urge everyone to have a read."

So there you have it, three links from me, and three awesome links from Amy. Make sure you check them out, and don't forget to stop by Amy's blog for some juicy posts of her own.

Remember, if you'd like to share you Linky Love in a future Linky Lovin' Friday post just let me know in the comments and I'll be in touch.

What have you been reading this week? Found anything that you thought was brilliant and just have to share? Let me know in the comments.

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I hear you about the sleep, it's like a switch of activity turns on at 10pm for me too! A great few posts there, haven't read Sanch post. Thanks for mentioning me! xx
I actually just read Sanch's post and thought it was an awesome read. I'm the same as you with sleep. 10pm and my brain is starting to rev up :)
HandbagMafia said…
Thanks so much for having me, Kylie! :) And for your kind words :)
Naw...thanks for the shout out Amy. Much appreciated! :)
Natalie @ Our Parallel Connect said…
Love these links Kylie and read them all. Thanks for sharing.. get some rest.
Dani @ sand has no home said…
Thanks so much for the lovely shout out! You really did make my already long day x
Hugzilla said…
Great choices, ladies! I'd love to put my hand up for one of these, but not next week because I am moving house. Don't you love it when precious people start placing conditions. LOL.
I am a shocker for not going to bed early despite feeling like shit on legs all day long but as soon as the kids go to bed I get the whiff of freedom and get busy with all the things I LOVE! It's not sustainable though so I hope you get some rest this weekend x
Ace links, as usual. Sleep hygeine - that's a thing! I've got so used to staying up late, it's a hard habit to break. Hope you have a great weekend and that you get some Kylie time to rest and recharge.
Malinda said…
I'd love to know your thoughts on flash units. I have wanted one for a while but have been slow to make a decision because of the cost of them!
Tash from Gift Grapevine said…
Glowing water beads?! Miss T (5) would go nuts for those as they are all the rage at her pre-primary. If you find a magic solution for how to reverse being a night owl, I will pay you for it! Dead tired around 3pm and then raring to go at 10pm. I'm lucky if I get to bed before 12.30am most nights. I get all my work done at night and anyway, night time is MY time. Oh to be a person who can bounce out of bed at 6am. Thank god for coffee! Have a great week Kylie xx
Grace said…
I love the increase of posts about feminism and gender equality! No wonder you're not getting any sleep! You're reading all these awesome posts! X

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