One Perfect Moment {Couple Time} | Life
One Perfect Moment is all about those moments, big or small, that make you wish they'd last forever. Those moments you want to stop in time, when everything feels perfect, even for just a split-second. Snapshots of the mind. Moments to treasure forever.
It's Sunday night and we're sitting together on the lounge. A rare thing, given that Dave works rotating shifts, which means his days off are different every week.
The girls are sleeping. Our bellies are full of dinner.
We are happy.
The TV is on.
I sit with my legs stretched out on the lounge, draped over Dave's.
I have my pencils on the coffee table and my colouring books on my lap.
We've been re-watching one of our favourite shows together, The Walking Dead.
We pause it constantly. To talk about something that has just happened. Discuss how we ourselves might react if we found ourselves in the situation that the characters find themselves in.
Sometimes we pause not to discuss the show, but to share something about our day or the girls that we've just remembered.
Punky talks a lot about best friends these days.
We were in the car coming home from preschool the other week and she suddenly says to me "Mummy. You're not my best-friend anymore. Zee is my best-friend".
It warms my heart to hear her talk like that about her sister. The bond between them is strong, despite the constant fights and sooking over toys and drink bottles. They are partners in crime, best enemies and best friends.
After telling me that Zee is her best friend, she continues on to say "Daddy is your best-friend, isn't he? You love him".
Yes. Yes he is. And I do.
He is my best-friend, my partner in crime, and so much more.
I like the fact that Punky sees that. I think it's important that she sees it, that she can identify that her parents are best friends and love each other.
Sitting on the lounge together, at night, watching TV, chatting, relaxing together. It's one of my favourite times of days, those days that he's not on night shift and we have the time to just sit and be together.
It's a time to catch-up, reconnect. Remember who we are apart from just being somebodies Mother and Father.
We're still Kylie and Dave. Dingo and Kylez.
And that's just the way I like it.
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