Blogger Bootcamp {Week Two} | Blogging

Blogger Bootcamp with Talk About Creative - Week Two

Week two of the 4 week blogger bootcamp that I'm participating in on Facebook saw us talking all things Google Search and discussing ways we can improve our blogs and their search rankings. We spoke about the need for making sure that the pages of your blog are being read properly by google, and what we can do if they're not.

One of the most important things in making sure Google can read your blog properly is checking things like H1 & H2 (heading) tags (Dana has a great blog post that explains what h tags are here), meta titles and descriptions, and also the img alt tags used for the images we insert in to posts. It sounds like a lot of tech gibberish when you write it down like that, but Dana did an excellent job of explaining it all for those of us who aren't so up on the tech side of blogging.

SEO doesn't have to be hard

I'm limited in what I can and can't do on Blogger, but it's been invaluable knowledge that I will carry with me in setting up my photography business website properly. Making sure that I tag things correctly and choose and use the right keywords is another valuable lesson we learned. I'm quickly discovering that SEO doesn't have to be so daunting!

We were each given a report on the top ranking keywords for our sites and the results were interesting. We also discovered where to look on Google Search Console (webmaster tools) to see what content keywords are listed and how significant they are on our sites.

Doing small, simple things when you first create your post can save you a lot of work down the track and ensure that your post pays dividends in google's search results. If you want to know a lot more and how to do it then you should definitely have a look around the Talk About Creative website and blog. Dana has heaps and heaps of informative, helpful blog posts that will get you on the track to SEO success. I recommend starting with this post here.

Guest blogging is important and can help your rankings

The final things we spoke about is the importance of guest blogging on blogs with a similar theme to yours. A massive bonus is if they are happy to also include the link to your website (or a specific page on your site, even better!) with a follow link. This will make Google think that you are a person of influence and also help your rankings.

There is still so much more to learn and even more that I still don't quite understand, but Dana is doing an awesome job of helping us all along and answering our questions.As I mentioned last week, I'm lucky enough to be doing the 4 week blogger bootcamp in exchange for writing about my honest experiences with the course.

Do you include H tags in your posts? Are you as crap at on-page SEO optimisation as I am?

Linking up with One Mother Hen and The NEW Multitasking Woman

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