Three {2016 52 week project} | Photography

{Sisters} - On the weekend we did a big clean-up and started to really get the house back in to proper order after Christmas and New Years.  The girls have a really bad habit of pulling every single toy out and never putting a thing away. So now that we've started from scratch we've been making a point of drilling it in to the girls that they must pack away one thing before getting another. 

One of the advantages of having a clean and tidy play room is the fact that they can now jump off the toy chest without landing on random toys and bit of Duplo. Something that makes both girls very happy indeed!
{Punky} - This girl is a seasoned jumper. She's ben climbing since before she could walk, and jumping off things almost as long. She has no fear when it comes to this kind of thing and to be honest, she's actually quite graceful in her jumping. Something I need to take advantage of one day to get a bit creative with my photography.

{Zee} - If I had my way Zee wouldn't be jumping off anything; the girl is the very definition of clumsy. But recently she has discovered the joy of jumping off things and after catching the two of them jumping off the chair the other day, I thought it best if the next jumping session was held under my supervision (with camera at the ready, of course!). She's slowly getting more confident and I can only pray that she doesn't break a leg, because if any kid is likely to, she is!

hawkesbury family photography, children playing under hose

{Me} - The prompt for week three is routine, and I actually took quite a few photos for this, trying to find something that was just right. In the end I came back to the first I took, which is usually the way it goes for me. 

Every week we go to my Mum's house for family dinner. In summer it's become routine for the girls to "help" Grandma give the garden a drink before dinner. What this really means is that they are going to run around while Grandma sprays them with the hose, in between spraying the garden. I don't mind though, they dry pretty quickly in this weather, and sometimes they are even lucky enough to get to jump in the pool afterwards. Then it's time for a quick bath before dinner is served.

Do you have any summer routines? What's your favourite?

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